My new nephew Ronin

I'm going to keep baby pictures on this blog to a minimum, which might be hard to do since it seems like everyone I know is having babies. And there is one more baby picture that will probably pop up sometime in the near future on this blog (in context with another photo). But I thought that I couldn't not post a photo of my new nephew, who when I last saw him wasn't very interactive. My other nephew was much more so.

This photo was taken in Denver, a few months ago. I think the parents were out with Aiden (my other nephew) or they were sitting on the porch just outside the door in the background. Ronin was lying in his jungle gym (I know there's another name for it but I'm not up on my baby products; all I think I know is that it's made my Fisher Price). It was mostly cool in the house; outside it was dry and hot.

I used to think I liked hot and dry weather, but I was so much happier to return to New York and its surrounding humidity. In Denver, I could feel the moisture seep from my skin. It's a good thing Jean introduced me the benefits of moisturizer.

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Posted 15 Sep 2007   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.