A performance in Central Park

I should have more information about this performer. I've seen him a number of times, dressed in the same uniform, dancing and singing and playing a violin. Nearby, a sign gives his credentials. I didn't think to copy it down.

I can't remember what I was doing in the park when I took this photo. I might have been at the Met; I was probably walking south. I might have been on my way to the Shakespeare statue to watch the Saturday evening tango; perhaps to participate.

I stumbled upon a photo editor today; a blog written by a photo editor detailing the ins and outs of the game. He linked to a photo by David Burnett, which depicted a crowd of photographers recording the start of a foot race. It made me realize how much I enjoy photos of an event that focus on the actions and interactions that event bring together rather than the event itself. This photo attempts to do a little bit of that.

And if you have any further information on the performer in question, please feel free to leave that information in the comments.

Comments (1)

I think his name is Thoth. He has appeared on America's Got Talent, and has a movie about him.


Posted by Bob on 22 Aug 2008, 2.03 AM

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Posted 26 Sep 2007   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.