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Seagrass, Old Saybrook, Connecticut
I'm listening to R.E.M. It's partially because of Stereogum's recent tribute to Automatic for the People, and it's partially because it reminds me of my past.
Today I went apple picking in upstate New York with some friends and colleagues from my first job in New York. It's been maybe ten years since i started there. We drove back in the late afternoon. The road was narrow, and a long line of cars snaked between the forests and fields. Simone gave up on the radio and we plugged an ipod into the stereo. David mentioned that since we all now lived in the city we never had the opportunity to drive with friends, listening to music collectively. We had all grown up in the suburbs (or in California), and his statement, coming as it did on the heels of summer, just before twilight, made me suddenly nostalgic.
This photo reminds me somewhat of R.E.M.'s video for "Drive." I had recently seen it on YouTube as part of my R.E.M. reawakening. It also makes me think of Yasujiro Ozu, though the connection may be somewhat more tenuous. I took the photo while fishing for crabs with my father. And that makes me nostalgic as well.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank coolphotoblogs for featuring me, and I extend a warm welcome to the new visitors.
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