Breakfast in Taipei

I can't remember the name of this place, and I'd be hard-pressed to find it again even though it was relatively close to where I was staying. Sophia had asked me what I wanted for breakfast and I told her sao bin yo tiau. She said she knew the perfect place.

Her nephew seemed on the verge of skipping school, and we told her sister that we'd take him to breakfast and then walk him to school. He seemed delighted. We gathered our things and set off.

The day was overcast and humid, but the rain that threatened overhead never fell. I ate my breakfast and then finished the breakfast Sophia's nephew wasn't eating. He misbehaved. Sophia tried to discipline him but said her nephews never listen to her.

I took this photo while sitting on a bench, waiting for our orders to arrive. It was late morning, and the breakfast rush was over. The staff milled about, watching over the child as she played.

Comments (2)

why is taipei so freakin great. and how did the shao bing you tiao end up?

Posted by teresa on 13 Feb 2008, 4.14 PM

the shao bing you tiao was great. it's probably the best i've had. i wish it were right around the corner so i could get it for breakfast every day, but that probably wouldn't be great for my health. instead, this morning i had a croissant. :-/

Posted by e.ku on 19 Feb 2008, 10.31 AM

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Posted 12 Feb 2008   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.