Cambridge T station, Boston

A few weeks ago I was in Cambridge on a short gig. My first job had been in Boston, and I lived with a friend in a large one bedroom apartment in Porter Square. My time there was short-lived, and soon after I left Boston for New York, so did my friend.

I hadn't been back in years. I felt like a ghost, walking through the deserted streets of Harvard Square. The students were on spring break, and the empty streets reinforced my sense of displacement.

I was staying with a friend mid-way between Cambridge and Porter Square, and I felt my former self walking beside me as I retraced my steps along Massachusetts Avenue. I was surprised how many shops had remained unchanged: the video store, the paper store, a Chinese restaurant. Foozles, a discount bookstore, had not survived. A sporting-goods store had taken its place.

I ended up not having the time to revisit some of my older haunts. I stayed pretty close to home. By the time I finished work and dropped off my laptop back at the house, there weren't many hours in the day left to exploration. I resisted the urge to peek into my old apartment, long since converted to condominiums. Though from the street, I could see a light on in the window.

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Posted 21 Apr 2008   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.