Midtown Manhattan from a subway entrance

I shot this coming out of the subway a few weeks ago. I wasn't planning on shooting any images until I looked up out of the ground and saw the skyline outlined by the entrance. I don't spend much time in this area of Manhattan, and I almost always feel a little bit like a tourist there. As far as this shot, I went back and forth over what I thought of the figure in shadows mounting the stairs to the left.

Apropos nothing, I just finished the fourth season of The Wire. I watched the first two seasons with some interest, but without the die-hard enthusiasm of some people I know. All that changed in the third season. Suddenly, I was entranced. My enthusiasm extended to and through the fourth season. And now I'm stuck. The fifth season doesn't come out until August on DVD. I almost feel like I should have waited longer in order to be able to see it all together.

This past weekend, while attending my cousin's wedding, I spent a good portion of the rehearsal dinner talking about The Wire with another cousin. He'd seen all the episodes at least four times. When I returned home, my houseguest had left me the first four seasons on DVD as a thank you present. It was all I could do to force myself out of west Baltimore and into bed the past few nights. And now, I'm starting over again with season one, watching the shows with commentary. I find myself peppering my speech with slang from the show.

Also, apropos nothing, there's something about the title of this post that sounds like a Primitive Radio Gods song.

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Posted 13 May 2008   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.