Waiting for Múm, NYC

Shortly after arriving in New York, Kit surprised me with tickets to Múm. They were playing at the Blender Theater, a converted movie house on 23rd street. I remembered the theater from when I was working in the Flatiron building and would walk past it nightly en route to the subway home. I remembered also when it closed and the various attempts to revive it. It seems now that it's found a new life as a concert hall.

Music seems to suit the space. They've left the seats in the back, but pulled them out from the floor, and the raked floor offers easy sight lines to the stage. The concert was fun; at times the stage seemed in danger of overflowing with instruments and personnel.

I arrived earlier than expected. To kill time, I sampled some frozen yogurt at a stand a few doors down from the theater, and then stood off to the side of the entrace. I took this photo as I watched people arrive and hurry in or wait outside for their friends. Kit arrived shortly thereafter.

My next concert? Sigur Ros in June. I can't wait.

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Posted 15 May 2008   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.