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Nadine and Yohan, 10 May 2008
I've been traveling back and forth to California quite a bit this year for various reason. Thus far I've been twice to San Jose and twice to Los Angeles. On the weekend of the May 10th, I went to witness my cousin Yohan marry his fiance Nadine.
They were married on a cliff overlooking the water. In the distance you could almost make out the planes arriving to and departing from LAX.
The ceremony commenced at three in the afternoon. They were married on a sloping lawn, the Pacific Ocean serving as a backdrop. A cousin of Nadine's officiated. The dress was beautiful; the ceremony was short. And then it was on to drinks and hors d'oeuvres and wedding photos.
I chatted with my family, spent time with my nephews. Dinner was announced and we all sat to await the arrival of the wedding party and then the bride and groom. At the rehearsal dinner the night before, I had met the wedding party and discovered that two of the bridesmaids lived in New York, one on my block.
After dinner, there was an hour of dancing scheduled. The wedding was over at 10. My cousin drove me back down the hill to my aunt's house, where I was staying. I brought cake back for my brother and his wife, who had to leave early to put the kids to bed. The house was quiet. I changed and went shortly to bed.
Comments (4)
This is a great wedding shot. Unlike most wedding shots, the veil is casually blowing and the people look relaxed and are smiling natural smiles. Really good shot.
I was in LA a couple weekends ago to attend a cousin's wedding. It is a great place to visit. If I do move there, which more than likely may happen, I know I have to get used to the fast pace of life but I know I'll get used to it. (the last part of the sentence I just wrote, I have to tell myself that over and over again.)
i'm not sure i could move to LA myself. it's great to visit, but i'm not sure i'd enjoy driving everywhere.
thanks for your comment. i was actually taking this photo from the side while they were looking at the official photographer, which may account for part of the reason why they seem unconcerned with me. :-)
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