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One for the road, NYC
Some non-New Yorkers have been asking me about Florent so I thought I'd link to a few articles. The first is from New York magazine, "The 25th Hour of Florent Morellet", and the second and third from the New York Times, "Genre-Bending Hangout Takes Its Final Bows" and "Closing Time at a Diner That Never Closed."
To answer the immediate question of why Florent is closing, this paragraph from the first Times article:
On June 29 Florent will close. Its rent was to rise to more than $30,000 a month, said Mr. Morellet, now 54. He started out paying $1,350. The neighborhood, the city and the people who felt it belonged to them were different then.
Interestingly, the owner of the property is going to open a diner there. I wonder how well it will do with New York locals what with the memory of Florent fresh in our heads.
Posted 01 Jul 2008 | Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.
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