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The Wonder Wheel, Astroland, NYC
I think the Wonder Wheel was the first ride I ever rode at Coney Island. I remember it being an outing with friends from my first job in the city. It was the first time I had ridden the subway to the end of the line.
I don't remember much from that trip, save for riding the wheel. It originally may have been to see the Mermaid Parade; the visit to Astroland may have been coincidental. Or it may have been a completely different trip altogether. I haven't been to Coney Island all that often, but it's adding up.
Though it looks oddly abandoned, I took this photo on a Sunday afternoon. The day had threatened rain, but held off for the most part. Quick thunderstorms dotted the morning, and would return in the evening, but the afternoon was clear. The park was populated but not packed, and there's something about the almost abandoned look of this photo that I like.
I wonder how much longer Astroland will remain.
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