Diner jukebox, NYC

There's a diner near PS1 that everyone seems to know. It sits just under the subway stop, and while it's not a great diner, it's one of the closest restaurants to the museum. Everyone seems to have eaten there at one time or another.

We went before touring the Olafur Eliasson exhibit. We had walked around a little bit to see what else was available in the area. A Korean deli seemed to promise noodle and rice dishes, but we were told that they didn't serve them on the weeeknds, only weekdays. Their refrigerator was stocked with all sorts of drinks however. We bought some flavored teas and walked back into the heat of an afternoon sun.

At the diner, I had waffles. We admired the jukeboxes, but were told they were out of service. I wondered if they all played the same song when you made your selection. Yw said she felt each would play whatever the person selected at each booth. I noted that it might become cacophonous. It was too bad we couldn't try.

I took this photo towards the sun. I didn't noticed that the more modern bottle of blueberry tea had entered the frame. I go back and forth on whether I like it there. On the one hand, it seems to invade an otherwise nostalgic photograph, one that seems to capture a lost past. On the other hand, it serves as an interesting juxtaposition. I'm still undecided.

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Posted 15 Jul 2008   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.