Sea lions, Museum of Natural History, NYC

A few weeks ago I went to the Museum of Natural History. It wasn't something I had been planning for a long time. Earlier that week a friend had gone. She was moving back to Korea, and had asked her friends what she should do with her remaining time in New York. One recommended the museum. She hadn't been before, and so she went.

At lunch she told us how much she enjoyed it. I realized I hadn't been in some time, and decided to go that weekend. I got off to a late start, and had only a few hours to tour the museum. It was much as I remembered it. The dinosaur exhibits were still impressive, and it was nice to see the new blue whale.

I was also surprised at the breadth of the offerings at the museum, ranging from cultural artifacts to art to the animals. I almost wished that the museum were more focused so that it could devote more space to a specialty. That said, it was fun to wander the halls and see what lay around the next corner.

I forget which gallery these sea lions habitate. Something tells me they may be near the whale.

Comments (2)

Do they still have the tiny corner of one gallery devoted to the "wildlife of NYC?" That one was always the creepiest, with the rats laid out from head to tail alongside the pigeons.

Posted by teresa on 08 Sep 2008, 11.53 PM

ha! that's a good question. i seem to remember running across that in the past, but i didn't come across it on my last visit. speaking of wildlife, a friend of mine who runs in central park tells me that she's seen a lot of really big raccoons hanging around the trash bins on her runs.

Posted by eugene on 09 Sep 2008, 12.48 AM

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Posted 08 Sep 2008   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.