Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (night), Moscow

Another view of same, this time at night. I was amazed at how beautiful Moscow was at night, especially when they light the Seven Sisters. Teresa lived right by one, and for most of the time I was there, it sat in the dark. She wasn't quite sure why.

In other news, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving weekend. Safe travels, shop safe, and enjoy!

This is a contribution to photofriday's 'black' theme. I just realized that it refers to this shopping day as much as anything, but unfortunately I don't have access to some of the photos I took in various Moscow and Beijing markets at the moment, so I'm applying the more literal definition.

More photos of Moscow and my trip along the Trans-Siberian / Mongolian can be found at the links below:

Part one: The Trans-Siberian: Beautiful Monotony
Part two: The Trans-Mongolian: Contrasts

Comments (3)

I love it. Why aren't there bridges like that here?

Posted by Will on 31 Dec 2008, 4.08 PM

you know i was thinking about bridges in new york and how they don't really link major gathering places spaces with each other. the brooklyn bridge for example starts in kind of a desolate area and ends in one. it's all about the automobiles as opposed to the humans. it's too bad the bridges like that don't link parks to each other so that the entire experience of walking the bridge could be more enjoyable.

Posted by eugene on 04 Jan 2009, 9.57 AM

oy. yeah. nyc's one of our best and they still got it wrong. besides pedestrian bridges, there should be a pedestrian-only avenue on both the East and West sides. nyc is a pedestrian city more-so than any other city i've been to in this country and it's still car-centric.

to be fair though—and granted, you're forced to inhale car exhaust the whole way across—the brooklyn bridge has a walking exit on the brooklyn side that leaves you relatively near grimaldi's, the brooklyn ice cream factory, and jacques torres' chocolate haven. those are my three main food groups—what more could a guy want?

Posted by Will on 04 Jan 2009, 1.32 PM

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Posted 28 Nov 2008   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.