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Inauguration Day, 3/5
On the night of Obama's inauguration, Danziger Projects hosted the opening of Can & Did: Graphics, art, and photography from the Obama campaign. I had invited Jean to come, but she was uncertain whether she would have the time. In the intervening hours, I made other plans. Jean called me two hours before the opening to say she wanted to go; I told her I had dinner plans and wouldn't be able to make it. Ten minutes later, my friend called to cancel dinner. I called Jean and we arranged to meet on a subway platform in DUMBO.
The exhibition was packed. To quote from my text blog:
People shuffled between the works of art, squeezed by each other. A woman handed out wooden nickels from a paper bag. One side featured a portrait of our 44th president with the message "Yes We Did!" A flag adorned the other side, marking the year of the inaguration and Obama's place in line. "Take a few," she said. I did.
The overall attitude was one of joy and celebration. It was amazing to be surrounded by so many people sharing the warmth of the emotion. The feeling was in stark contrast to that I felt four years ago. I spent the weekend after that election attending a wedding in Death Valley. Then, the occasion was a joyous one, and we all used it to forget the results that had transpired. That year, I wouldn't watch the inauguration.
Link: Danziger Projects
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