Under the weather, NYC

I've been under the weather. This weekend I stayed home and watched movies on tv and on DVD of varying quality. I couldn't read. My head felt like a ball of cotton.

I took this photo coming out of the 59th street subway stop on a rainy day. I was on my way to the Time Warner building. I had decided to have lunch at Bouchon Bakery; I thought I'd while away some time at the bookstore. The Bakery was closed. For the first week of the year it seemed as if it would be closed; I forget the reason. Instead I wandered about the bookstore, finally buying a copy of Kapub;ciski's The Shadow of the Sun, about his experiences in East Africa.

I've decided I'm going to read all of his books; I've read a number already and I'm trying to parcel them out so that I don't end up finishing them too soon. That said, I've already picked up The Soccer War, which I'll finish when I'm done with the current volume. I had started reading the latter when I was in Beijing, but stopped in order to read a book by a local author.

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Posted 04 Feb 2009   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.