Bollywood, New Jersey

Last year a friend invited me to a Bollywood event in New Jersey. She wasn't sure what it was about—a friend had invited her—but she was intrigued and promised stars. It was held in what felt like a convention center attached to a mall. Lines of people waited to get in. We had our tickets in hand and brushed past the crowds.

Inside there were booths selling soundtracks and movies and clothes. One stall incongruously promoted floor tiles. Along one side there were food stalls. Small stages flanked either side of the cavernous room, while a main stage ran along the far wall.

After getting our bearings we decided to eat. The food was unlike any other Indian food I had had; it was delicious. Our friend told us it came from a separate region than the food in most Indian restaurants in New York. I can't remember the name of the region, but I long to eat the food again.

At one point, a fashion show began on the main stage. We walked to the stage for a better view. Later, Kareena Kapor and Saif Ali Khan appeared on stage to answer questions. The audience cheered and wanted them to dance. Kapor demurred. Ali Khan made gracious excuses. After a few moments on stage they departed. The MC promised they'd return.

By then we were tired and decided to leave. As we walked towards the exit, the familiar strains of "Dhoom Taana" began to play and a dance troupe took the stage. They did an almost exact rendition of the choreography from Om Shanti Om. I was thrilled; we stayed until the performance ended, then took our leave.

Incidentally, I've been looking for good new Bollywood films to watch. If anyone has any recommendations, leave a comment.

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Posted 28 Jun 2009   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.