Flowering branch, East Lyme, CT

I don't remember taking the former photo, but I remember this. Spring had arrived and I had yet to make more than a few exposures. The afternoon was warm and I took the Minolta out into the backyard. I remember lying on the ground under this tree. I remember spending some time visualizing what I wanted the image to look like. I still didn't know much about the camera or how to use it, and I found the focus confusing. I can't tell if the effects on the photo are due to the expired film or the fact that I was shooting straight up into the brightly lit sky.

Thinking back on the back yard, a lot of the trees have since been cut down or have been blown down by various storms that have passed through. I was always hesitant to cut down any tree, and protested any that my father wanted to bring down. I think I would rather have had a forest in our back yard. It would have cut down on the amount of lawn we'd have to mow as well.

Now, I can't remember the last time I mowed a lawn. Growing up I had no concept of city living. It amazes me what little I realized then of how I might be living now. I don't think I even knew my current profession existed.

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Posted 28 Dec 2009   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.